Customer Testimonials

We have worked extremely hard in order to establish a well-respected name and reputation. Much of our clientele comes from word of mouth as satisfied customers tell others and first time clients become repeat customers. Here are few testimonials below. We are more than happy to supply more references from our valued clients upon request:

Matt did a great job on the house, and we have had various works done on the house in the intervening years. There is nothing that Matt cannot do, and we have been very pleased with the quality of his work. Another great thing about Matt is his excellent communications. He always keeps in touch and replies immediately to enquiries. I would recommend anyone to use Matt, as long as he is not booked to do any work for us!

Philip Coward, Sherbourne and Seix

Happy for you to keep the keys to the house who knows when we might need your valuable services again. Thanks again we were very surprised how little mess there was to clear up!

Sarah Davies, California, Bath and Oust

Matt recently designed and built a solid oak staircase in our old property. His standard of craftsmanship were very high and his understanding and sympathetic handling of the materials and the requirements of the house (and the client!) were second to none.

Amongst many other jobs here, he and his selected French and British artisans have also installed a tricky en-suite bathroom in our attic bedroom.

We’ve worked with Matt for a couple of years now and it’s always a pleasure…..a great standard of work and lots of inspiration. There will be more jobs to come

Kevin Cowle & Erika Bergfeld, Arrien en Bethmale